For the quickly task jumping ADHD brain it can be challenging to keep track on things and remember to continue a process
Persons with ADHD are often losing things like keys, documents or passwords
Mind interruptions create situations like forgetting about the meal in the microwave, the wet laundry or a important doctor's appointment
Struggling to follow instructions in the right order
Studies show that the "working memory performance" of people with ADHD is lower
Problems in Digital:
4.1 Users have to remember usernames for login
Allow alternative kinds of login like e-mail, passkey, QR-Code or SSO (Single-Sign-on). Not everyone can remember dozens of usernames
4.2 Forgetting final actions
Place small reminders for unfinished actions such as an unfinished draft of an email or a form which was forgotten to continue for days.
4.3 Users forget about their appointments and subscriptions
If possible give users an .ics element for their calendars after registration for an appointment and place a follow-up in a responsive period before expiry.